Line up of the team
Project Lead / Web designer
Talking in the gym with my good friend Steven about League Of Legends. When suddenly we both had an eye opener that really inspired us to do what we do. Sigil is just the beginning of a new chapter on so many levels.
Ediso, Interactive Agency
Skill set composer
When Martin and I first started to think about this champion, we were very hyped to bring our ideas to you guys. Now 1 year later, Sigil is finally here. It was hard for us to create the skills, because we didn’t have an online environment to test them, but we are happy with the result. We hope we can make a difference with this intriguing project in the land of League of Legends. All I can say is: Rito, make this real!
Web development
It's so cool that a community project can achieve something like this. It was fun to work on :)
Ediso, Interactive Agency
Lore Author
Using the line between reality and fantasy as a jump rope is the crutch of a creative. Using it as a tightrope is the work of an inventor. Using it as a lifeline is the mark of a survivor. It's disappointing that, with so many uses, most people tie the thing around their necks and hang themselves with it out of frustration or impatience. It leaves just a handful of fighters who see their perseverance bear fruit.
Concept artist
Hey guys! I'm a freelance artist based in Taiwan working under the alias "MonoriRogue". Sigil is a project made with passion and love by a group of league fans, we poured our hearts into making him, hope you do to in supporting him! :)
Environment artist
Working on League of Legends was quite an adventure and brought me to a whole other world of possibilities unlike our own. Lets see what champions the future will bring.
3D Character Artist
Working on Sigil was an awesome experience! The many hours of hard work payed off, and it is amazing to see every little piece of this puzzle put together.
A gaming company
3D Character Artist
The Sigil project was a great learning experience for me. All the time and effort was truly worth it.
Motion graphic designer
If you get inspired, don’t forget to inspire othersInspiration is like a gift, everyone loves gifts. If you get inspired, don’t forget to inspire others
A gaming company
Concept Artist
Striving to make art my full time job, getting the chance to work with these guys was a gift from heaven. Sigil has been an insightful project and quite the experience of working with a team whilst studying for exams.
Aleksandr Adamovich
I love the times I had with the Sigil team members. It was really an awesome experience to learn about other branches of design. Unfortunately I had not that much spare time to be there for the team all the time. Next time the team will rock and roll again on the fields of justice.
Music composer
After haven’t seen Martin for a long time. I met him at a bar in the Netherlands. He told me about the marsh warden and that the login screen needed some background music. Through some Skype calls later on I joined the journey by developing this tribal ballad for Sigil. My main goal was to make Sigil's silence speak in music.
Some facts that you should know about this awesome project
We' ve accomplished project Sigil by typing 2.234.442 characters over Skype!
Plays league of Legends and enjoys to play it from day to day!
Is the avergae age of the team. The young talents worked seamlessly together on Sigil
Skype calls where made during the project. Everything was written in the chat.
From tadpole to Ninja Turtle and beyond
Feel free to download and share artwork and help us spread the word.
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